
Havana, Cuba

INTRO 5/15/17. Mother's Day. 9am. Wake up. Several reggaeton songs flooding through my window. Guy throwing news papers at second story balconies. Screaming and wooping of kids chasing marbles in the street. Car horns introducing each other in rhythm. Fire in the middle of the street to cook stew for the block. People asking how goes the fight while eating cake for breakfast. 9pm. Dudes no shirts booty shorts dance parties in almost every ground level apartment. Fold out tables in middle of street studying dominoes. Full tranquil family meals with open doors like the window of retail spaces. Spilling neon lights of unseen rooftop parties. A kid kicking her heels on a bed to reggaeton while and her mom dances on a stripper pole revealing her baggy white panties. Little kid peeing off a curb while his dad laughs. Cops ask for a light. Cops taking a sip off someone's cocktail. NOTES From centuries of fighting for liberation under colonial rule, a dominant political s